Cómo cambiar o restablecer su contraseña

En este artículo, te explicamos cómo puedes restablecer tu contraseña en caso de que la hayas olvidado o cambiado.

Forgot my password
If you are unable to login due to incorrect password, you can reset it by going to the login page on app.localyser.com and then clicking on “Forgot password?”. An email will be sent to you with a link that allows you to enter a new password for your account.

Changing your password
If you would like to change your password, click on your name at the top left corner in the side menu, then on User Settings, and finally click on Change Password.

Activating a new account
If you received an invitation to access your company account on Localyser, you will receive an account confirmation email on the email address you have been registered on. Check your inbox for an email from notifications@localyser.com then click on the link to activate your account. If you can’t find the email in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder.