This articles explains how you can respond to reviews collected from your Feedback Landing page (QR Code) using your client's email.
If you want to respond to reviews collected from your Feedback Landing page (QR Code) using your email, follow these steps:
Haz clic en Responder.
Elija una categoría y una lengua.
Elige una plantilla de respuesta o escribe tu propia respuesta. También puedes editar una plantilla después de elegirla.
Once you're ready to submit your response, choose the mailing app you use, then click Send. This will take you to the mailing app and all the fields will be filled for you and ready to send. It's recommended to use an email address dedicated to contacting customers.
When you go back to Localyser, a window will pop up asking if you were able to send your email successfully. If you were able to send it, click Yes, and your response will be recorded on Localyser. If you weren't able to send it, click No, and the review will remain without a response.
Amplíe sus conocimientos sobre la gestión de la reputación en línea.